Stay Relevant in 2011

If you are looking to increase your business in 2011, then you need to attend our S.M.A.R.T. (Sales, Marketing And Real Estate Training) Sessions every Monday at 10am.

These classes are designed to help agents develop a STRONG ONLINE MARKETING PLAN.

Today's Buyers and Sellers are not interested in OLD-FASHIONED, OUT-DATED and OBSOLETE marketing. The keyword for 2011 is RELEVANT.

Don't let your lack of internet marketing knowledge drive you into extinction. (There are many agents out there who are already extinct.. they just haven't realized it yet.) Don't let this be you!

These classes are designed to be VERY BASIC but also VERY POWERFUL. You will leave each class with an arsenal of tools and ideas to assist you in obtaining more listings and buyers immediately.

Call 210-788-9690 to RSVP or use the text widget in the right column.