Competition? What Competition?

You will soon understand several basic Internet Marketing Strategies that you will be able to leverage against the competition and obtain more listings.

I am not particularly concerned with attracting buyers. However, a by-product of getting more listings is more buyer leads.

The primary reason for the systems I teach is to give you the competitive edge so that when you sit across the table from a seller, you can WOW them with your marketing plan that is UNLIKE ANYTHING ELSE THEY HAVE SEEN.

Other real estate agents are relying on personality and luck to get listings because they sure aren't offering anything of any greater value than the next guy. YOU ARE DIFFERENT.

The reason for cutting commission is that lazy agents have NOTHING OF VALUE to offer. They are going to do the same thing everyone else is doing only they are willing to do it for less. YOU ARE NOT A CLEARANCE RACK REALTOR!

Do you want to make a lot of money this year? Then do this:

  • Build your Progressive Marketing Plan and learn to present with confidence
  • Devote 3 hours per day to generate leads and set listing appointments.(Don't end your day until you get at least one)
  • Be able to show your prospective seller that you are one BAD-ASS agent!
  • Crush the competition with the "Progressive Marketing Presentation."
  • ASK FOR THE LISTING EVERY TIME (Several times if necessary)

Expired listings will want to know what you will do that their previous agent didn't do.

FSBOs will want to know what you can do thatthey can't do themselves.


The answer is in your Progressive Marketing Presentation.

Once you have your Internet Strategy in place and you are confident in your delivery...the goal will be to present to as many prospects as possible!

Don't rely on luck, personality and cutting commissions to get listings.

Come find out how to CRUSH THE COMPETITION

Every Monday at 10am


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